Sunday, February 26, 2012

Home for Christmas

Thankfully we were able to spend a lot of time with our families and friends of over Christmas break. We could probably ramble on and on about all the things we did, but we'll be nice and just post some pics of our favorite moments. Enjoy!

Trivia with friends at Tigin's Irish Pub

Hibachi dinner with more friends at Kitaro

Alex's hand-crafted "The Office" Christmas ornament in honor of his working from home in Rochester.
Complete with Bucky Balls, Clothes Pins, and Express Scripts logo!

Engels at the Independence Bowl in Shreveport, LA to cheer on the Mizzou Tigers!!!

Tigers playing well....

Tigers playing poorly! Lol.

Authentic Korean dinner in honor of Ben's birthday


Bean's birthday cake! Also, note in the background our new favorite board games: Ticket to Ride and Pandemic!!!
The family getting together
Birthday celebration for Chris
Playing with the kids
The age old saga of Bad Guys vs Good Guys - Battle at The Base
Exhausted from gift opening
Cake pops for Foof

Early birthday celebration for Foof

Beer pong at new years
First New Years


Us with the niece and nephew


  1. Nice pictures. I really like the "The Office" Christmas ornament. Nicely done.

  2. Cute pics! Looks cold! If you want to visit us in sunny Florida, you're always welcome!
