Monday, August 29, 2011

Hurricane Irene

So I've had some questions about how things are around here in the wake of the recent hurricane, and basically the answer is Just Fine. We're pretty far west and inland, so we really didn't get any rain at all. On Sunday we had some high winds and very gloomy overcast skies, but it wasn't bad at all (we even went out shopping and to a Greek festival). The odd part was that it was very cold -- temperatures down to the 50s. I guess the spiraling winds were bringing cold air down out of the north for us.

5 million people were STILL without power last I heard! I don't think we ever lost power, despite the fears of high winds blowing trees into power lines.

One last interesting bit: Irene was the first hurricane to make landfall on continental US since 2008 - Hurricane Ike.

Yep...we're doing just fine here in Rochester. A number of my med school classmates who have family and friends living in NYC and other coastal cities had some horror stories to tell about the power for 12 hours.....towns completely flooded....bridges washed out....etc. Hopefully things will get back to normal for all those people!

Thanks for being concerned about our safety during this crazy hurricane.

-The Lorax-

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad you both are safe and doing well. The cool down finally got here yesterday - beautiful weather. Hope it's good for you as well.
    Enjoy - and see you soon.
