Sunday, August 28, 2011

Water, Water Everywhere

Alex, myself, and two of my med school classmates attempted to go on a glorious sailing adventure on the Sunday of White Coat Weekend. Advisory Dean, Dr. G, owns a sailboat and during our first Advisory Dean lunch he offered all of us spots on his crew (no previous sailing experience required!) any time he went sailing on Lake Ontario in the next few months. Super excited about the chance to go on a real sailboat, I signed us up right away!

That Sunday we picked up my classmates and headed up to Lake Ontario. Now the weather was not the nicest....gloomy, overcast, imminent rain....but we decided to go for it anyway. When we arrived at the marina, Dr. G was already preparing the boat for a trip out on the water. Yeah! We all climbed aboard and were shortly underway. We used the motor to get chug up the Genesee River a bit and then out into Lake Ontario. Once out in open waters, Dr. G cut the engine and we started sailing....sort of. There wasn't much wind that day despite the impending storms, so we very slowly sailed along the shore.

That column sticking up in the center of the picture is the red/white striped beacon at the end of the pier in the "Beach Break" post. The right side of the picture is the Ontario Beach Park.
We did get some brief lessons in steering and sail management, but with so little wind there wasn't much for us crew to do. Despite the lack of super sailing, we did have a great time sitting around and chatting on the boat for a couple hours. Eventually we decided to head back in since the wind was drying up and the storm clouds were getting darker. We made it back to the car just as the rain started, and the four of us have an official "Wind Check" from Dr. G so we can come back anytime to experience "real" sailing. All-in-all it was a pretty good time.

Once we got home, I decided to take a rainy Sunday nap to escape the gloom outside.......meanwhile.......

I took a short nap as well, but as I drifted in and out of sleep I heard the rain ebbing and flowing.  At one point when I woke up it occurred to me that it had been going real hard for a while, so I thought I'd take a look out the window.  What I saw surprised me, so I grabbed my camera.

It was absolutely pouring outside.  Our driveway had turned into a little stream and our high-curbed streets were like canals.  Cars driving through would push the water in front of them creating huge waves that would flow right over the mall.

Other people down the street had noticed the flooded streets and were out playing.

We had roofers working on our house and their equipment had been filling up our parking lot out back, so my car was parked across the street.

I worried about damage to my wheels and breaks from all the water.

After a few cars drove by and kicked up the water level I started to worry about water actually getting into the floorboard and engine of my car!

Motion blur shot - you can see the wave kicked up in front of the car, and to the side and behind the car the water is flowing right over the mall
It was pretty incredible!  I walked through the water myself briefly, and when I went back inside Laura woke up...  Sorry I didn't wake you up, but you looked so cozy!

I missed everything!  :0(  At least there was this video to watch.......



  1. I would ask if it's hurricane weather, but it hasn't made it that far north right? (yet)

  2. The rain in this post was not from the hurricane. The pics above were actually taken 2 weeks ago (we're slow bloggers...sorry). The only real effects we've seen from the hurricane rolling inland today were high winds and a cloudy, gloomy Sunday. Hopefully tomorrow will be nice again!

  3. Too bad about the sailing, but it sounds like you'll get another chance. I guess Alex's car was OK - we didn't hear anything.
